Friday Survey and CEU Certificate(2016)

Thank you for completing the survey! If you have any questions please contact MMSA through our web site at

Teacher CEU Certificate (Friday Attendance Only)

Administrator CEU Certificate (Friday Attendance Only)

Summer Institute Discount Coupon (Use this coupon to receive a $10.00 discount on your registration)

If you attended any of the listed sessions, select the link and download the specific CEU certificate for the indicated session.

CEU: Evidence of Reading Preparation

CEU: Understanding Key Warning Signs of Early-Onset Mental Illness in Children/Adolescents

Creating Space for All Body Shapes and Sizes
Educators Tools to,Transform Adverse Experiences Into Positive Learning

CEU: Positive Behavior Intervention Strategies

Culture Eats Strategy for Breakfast Everyday
PBIS Exemplar Status through Consistent Improvement
Simple Steps to Sanity - A Discipline Plan That Really Works

CEU: Accommodation, Modification, and Adaptation of Curriculum Materials and Instruction

A Journey Through Personalized Learning
Creating a Youth Lead Culture of Inclusion in Your School
Engaging in Meaningful Assessment Conversations-Building Dynamic Dialogue
Minnesota Department of Education Brainstorming Session for Upcoming Teacher-friendly Interface
Overview of the Minnesota Department of Education's Data Center
Strategies for Working with Students with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders - FASD

CEU: Integrate Technology Effectively with Student Learning to Increase Engagement and student Achievement

ArcGIS Online Easy-to-Teach Lessons
Educating a Generation of Global Citizens Through Service-Learning
Robotics and Empathy in the Language Arts Classroom
Technology in PE